Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What's more important: Security? or Convenience?

In response to Nisha's editoral, Airport security : Issues on pat downs and the OL dreaded scanner, I would like to add that airport securities have been more strict since the 9/11. At least this is not only my opinion but my experience as I have been the "random" selected individual 75 percent of the time I travel domestic and/or international. To me, it's not the inconvenience that concerns me. It's the security that protects me.

Few may feel that we are receiving prejudice from TSA due to race, color, gender, or ethnicity. However, it is not the case most of the time. It's not the security systems that bothers the Americans. It's the inconvenience that we are feeling getting pat down more often.

An incident where an elderly patient getting soaked in his own urine because of pat down security check may have been a huge mistake or an immoral offensive behavior on TSA's behalf. It's quiet fascinating that it catches media's attention more than TSA's effort to prevent terrorism acts last Christmas.

I agree with Nisha that TSA should better train their staff to leverage the security system more precisely and assist random selected patted down travelers with their specific needs.